
Life Sciences


This subject used to be called Biology before the new curriculum was introduced in 2006. The aim of this department is to encourage students to become aware of life around us, the interactions which occur in the environment, problems facing bio-diversity and life on earth, the working of the human body and most importantly, the appreciation of life as well as nuturing a keen interest in the Science of Life.

The courses offered cover a wide spectrum of biological topics from studying Cells, Tissues, Biological Molecules to Basic Control and Processes in Basic Life Systems. A large portion of the learning programme is devoted to Environmental Studies in which basic Ecology, Human Influences on the Environment, Sustaining our Environment, Population Studies and Diseases are studied. A substantial part of the Grade 12 learning programme is devoted to the study of Evolution based on early theories, as well as an explanation of evolution in terms of current knowledge.

In the Junior Grades (Grade 8 & 9) Natural Science is taught. The Life Sciences take charge of the Biology component in this Learning Area. The primary aim is to prepare students adequately for Life Sciences in the senior Grades, as well as instilling some awareness of the Human Body and our Environment, for those who choose not to continue with Life Sciences in Grade 10.

Being a practical subject a portion of the course is taught through experimental work. This aims to develop an understanding of scientific method which brings with it opportunity to take readings in the field and to transfer this data onto tables, graphs etc for interpretation and drawing of conclusions. To complement the practical component two excursions are undertaken each year. The Grade 8\'s explore geographical and biological situations in The Settlers’ Park Reserve whilst the Grade 10\'s undertake a trip to the Rocky Shore.


What is the Purpose of Life Sciences?

The study of Life Sciences enables learners to develop an understanding of the nature of science, the influence of ethics and biases, and the interrelationship of science, technology, indigenous knowledge, environment and society. Learners explore these concepts, which are essential to basic life processes and the interrelationship and inter-dependence of components of the living and physical world. This understanding is directed to improve the quality of life and life support systems in the biosphere. It also allows students to apply knowledge and skills in a way that will lead to sustainable management of resources and life-support systems.



Homework is left to the discretion of individual teachers in the department to supplement their teaching methods in the classroom.


Notes and Textbooks

Grades 8 and 11

Notes are handed out in specifically designed modules.

Grade 10

Text book/Work book which is purchased by the students for their exclusive use.


Text book/Work book which is purchased by the students for their exclusive use.
Life Sciences 12. J Grogan and R Suter (Mind Action Series) (July 2007)


Educational Resources

Suggested References

Branch, M & G. 1981. The Living Shores of Southern Africa. Cape Town: Struik Publishers.
Dempster, ER. 2006. Crossing Over: The Basics of Evolution. Cape Town:HSRC. (Also available on the HSRC website)
Knobel, J. 1999. The Magnificent Natural Heritage of South Africa. Cape Town: Sunbird Publishing.
Lovegrove, B. 1993. The Living Deserts of Southern Africa. Cape Town: Fernwood Press.
Macrae, C. 1999. Life Etched in Stone: Fossils of South Africa. Johannesburg: Geological Society of South Africa.
McCarthy, T & Rubidge, B. 2005. The Story of Earth and Life: Cape Town: Struik Publishers.
van Wyk, B-E & Gericke, N. 2000. People’s Plants: A Guide to Useful Plants of Southern Africa. Pretoria. Briza Publications.
Skinner & Chimimba. 2006. The Mammals of the Southern African Subregion.
Roberts Book of Birds.
Relevant Websites

National Geographic
Climate Change

Grade 8 and 9 Natural Sciences


Introduction to Natural Science

Introductory module
Processing data


Planet Earth and Beyond


Energy and Change

Environmental Issues


Life and Living

Plant Adaptations (includes an excursion to Settlers’ Park)

Animal Adaptations
The Heart – Circulation
Gaseous Exchange
Human Reproduction


Tests and forms of Assessment





2 Controlled Tests

1 Controlled Test

1 Controlled Test

Overall CASS mark determined according to departmental requirements

3 Assignments Worksheets

Settlers’ Park Project (linked to excursion)

Research Project: Global Warming

Class Tests

Class Tests

Class Tests

Class Tests

Final Examination

  1. Worksheets



Mid-year Exam

Model: The Cell


Grade 10 Information




 Environmental Studies

Biosphere to Ecosystems

Biosphere to Ecosystems 

Biosphere, Biomes, Ecosystems, Abiotic and Biotic factors, Energy Flow, Nutrient Cycles

Diversity, Change and Continuity

History of Life and Classification

Biodiversity and Classification

Classification schemes, Bacteria, Protists, Fungi, Plants, Animals


History of Life on Earth

Fossil Formation and Methods of Dating, Key Events in Life's History

Life at the Molecular, cellular and Tissue Level

Molecules to Organs

The Chemistry of Life

Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Enzymes, Nucleic Acids, Vitamins, Inorganic Substances, Water, Mineral Salts


Cells - the basic unit of life

Cell Structure and Function, Differences betwen Plant and Animal Cells, Movement of substances across membranes, Differentiation and Specialisation


Cell Division - Mitosis

The Cell Cycle, Role of Mitosis


Plant and Animal Tissue

Plant Tissue: xylem, phloem, parenchyma, collenchyma, schlerenchyma, epidermis

Animal Tissue: epithelial, connective, muscle, nerve tissue

Life Processes in Plants and Animals

Life Processes that sustain Life

Energy Transformations sustain life



Cellular Respiration

Anaerobic and aerobic respiration, comparison bewteen anaerobic and aerobic respiration, ATP


Animal Nutrition


Gaseous Exchange



Tests and forms of Assessment





1 x Controlled Test

1 x Controlled Test

1 x Controlled Test

Class Tests

1 x Controlled Class Test

Class Tests

1 x Controlled Class Test

Overall CASS mark determined according to departmental requirements

Rocky Shore Excursion: Cape Recife Nature Reserve (assignment, data collection and interpretation)

Practical Examination

Hands-on-Practical: Chicken Wing

Final Examination (2 Papers)

Class Tests

Project: Human Nutrition

Hypothesis Test: Cellular Respiration


Practical Work


Class Tests



Mid-year Examination (1 Paper)



Grade 11 Information


Tissues, Cells and Cell Structures

Micro-organisms (Viruses, Bacteria, Protists and Fungi – including diseases


Structures and Control of Processes in Basic Life Systems

Structural Support – Human Skeleton
Transport – The Heart (including transport in plants)
Nervous System
Sense Organs
Endocrine System


Environmental studies

Human Influence on the Environment Sustaining the Environment
Air, Land and Water-borne Diseases


Diversity, Change and Continuation of Life

Population Dynamics
Managing Popuation


Tests and forms of Assessment





1 x Controlled Test

1 x Controlled Test

1 x Controlled Test

Overall CASS mark determined according to departmental requirements

1 x Controlled Class Test

Hands-on-Practical: Kidney

1 x Controlled Class Test

Class Tests

Practical work

Practical Examination

Research Project: Human Health issues

Final Examination (2 Papers externally set)



Practical work


Hypothesis Test: Heart Rate

Mid-year Exam (1 Paper internally set)



Grade 12 Information



Tissues, Cells and Cell Structures

DNA and Protein Synthesis
Chromosomes, Meiosis and Production of Gametes

Structures and Control of Processes in Basic Life Systems

Human Reproduction
Reproduction in Plants

Environmental studies

Local Environmental Issues
Effects of Pollutants on Human Physiology and Health

Diversity, Change and Continuation of Life

Early Theories of Evolution
Explanation of Evolution in Terms of Current Knowledge
Alternatives to the Evolutionary Theory of Diversity


Tests and forms of Assessment






1 x Controlled Test

1 x Controlled Test

Class Tests

Final Examination (2 Papers externally set)

1 x Controlled Class Test

Class Tests

Trial Examination (2 Papers externally set)


Practical Work

Practical Examination

Research Project





Hands-on-Practical: DNA

Mid-year examination (1 Paper internally set)


Research Project: Genetic Diseases

Research Project: Genetic Diseases





The community

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