

We use Google Forms to capture your data therefore its important that you have your Gmail account open in the same browser, on another tab in order to be able to submit your documents. We do this for the safety of your data as well as ours.
  • if you do not see the form below please open your Gmail account on another tab and try again
  • have all your pdf copies ready because you will not be allowed to submit without them
  • download the CODE OF CONDUCT FORM from here 
  • download the INDEMNITY FORM from here 
  • Submission of all required documentation does not guarantee a place at the school. You will be contacted via Email for an interview if your application is successful
  • Your Application will not be processed if any documentation is missing

By completing the application form below, we process your personal information (“data”) with your consent or lawfully in terms of the Protection of Personal information Act (“POPI”) and our Privacy Policy. Your data is processed by our employees or authorised operators. We will only transfer your data outside of South Africa if appropriate laws or safeguards are in place. You have the right to review and correct your data and to object to the processing of your data where it is no longer required for a purpose permitted by POPI.


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